December 06, 2011

It was a day unlike any other; yesterday a year ago I was loading up my u-haul and leaving my home in Southern California to go to Connecticut.  My husband actually sent me an email yesterday saying "Happy anniversary."  I had remembered a few days before that this was the time but as yesterday rolled around I was simply out with my dogs enjoying.  I've been trying to savor every moment of December as I did not enjoy it last year.

After I got the email from my husband I sat and tried to remember; take it all in.  How I was feeling, what happened on that day and what lay ahead.  Funny how things can change so quickly.  I use to think that I had my life pretty much planned out ahead of me.  Now ask me where I'll be in a couple of years and your guess is as good as mine.  We really don't know what is ahead do we?  Perhaps it is a good thing because some of it can be pretty tough to bear.

I spent much of yesterday baking again.  While I baked I remembered what my kitchen looked like on the same day a year earlier.  It was empty, bare except for the wrappers from the take out that Brad (my son) and I had eaten.  There were cheerios on every ledge and window sill; we had a puppy who was in heavy duty training.  I tried hard to remember every detail; the last year has been a whirl wind and at some point you have to stop and remember.  I will take the time to remember it all this week.

Brad and I were in the car with the dogs for 6 whole days; 6 very long and trying days.  It was an emotional time for all of us and like everything else in life; it left us with lessons to grow on.  I learned a great deal about travelling with your dog; perhaps a book is down the road on those tips.  I saw the country and lived through an experience with my son that I will not soon forget.  It was a wonderful 6 days in that I got to spend 6 full days with my 21 year old son.  Probably something that we won't do again, so in that way I feel very lucky.  I have the most amazing son; actually beyond amazing if I do say so myself.

This blog may not seem like a dog blog but the trip was all about the dogs.  Had it not been for the dogs it would have never happened.  Each and every step that was made, taken in the trip was for the dogs.  Life throws us lessons on a daily basis; what we do with those lessens will impact our future life.  December 06, 2011 was the beginning of many lessons.

Everything that led up to that 6 day trip was a lesson. lessons can suck sometimes.  But they can also make things quite clear; when you see clearly you can move forward.  Some lessons have more impact than others and there are still some things left to be done to bring closure to it all.  The good, the bad and the ugly (you know who you are); it's all life and you do the best you can with what you are dealt with.  Correct?  

December 06, 2011