Christmas Eve Day

There is a nip in the air but alas, no snow.  Having recently moved to Connecticut we were looking forward to a white Christmas, but we will have to settle for chilly.  Elsa slept in this morning and of course so did Tilley and Luke, they always sleep in.  I believe that they are still on California time; Luke is good until 10 or 11 if I don't get him up sooner.

We spent yesterday in NYC, just the people.  We took the train into the city and as we were riding I was contemplating taking Elsa on the train at some point.  Dogs are allowed, they are not allowed to be annoying or sit on the seats but they can head into the big city.  If I do take her it will be just for a one trip stop for a trial run and work our way up to a full trip which is around 45 min.  Once you get to Grand Central Station it is pretty crazy, mind you it is the busiest time of the year so it wouldn't be this crazy when I go.

I saw quite a few dogs down town, some sporting pretty adorable little coats others without.  We hit Central park for a bit where there were lots of dogs of all shapes and sizes. As we head down the streets of New York City, right in front of us was a tiny Rat Terrier with her owner.  She was pretty skittish but her owner just kept trodding along.  She deeked and dived out of the way of the masses of people and startled horns, huge truck noises and blasts of steam coming from the ground.  It is a lot to take in as a human, I cannot imagine being 8 " from the ground and doing it all.

Today will be filled with baking, wrapping and walking the dogs hopefully at a beautiful area that we have found where they can run off leash.  The homemade cookies that I make for the dogs is down to crumbs in the bottom, that needs topping off so I will try to get to those as well.  We bought the dogs gifts during our Dog Food Drive back in California, glad my hubby thought to get them then.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, evening and Christmas morning.  From mine to yours; Happy Holidays.