Moving Through the Loss of Your Canine Companion

It is done, and all I can say is what a write.  It is a good thing that I don't actually write on paper because it would be completely ruined by the end of it all.  There have been many tears shed over this book; but it has helped me to heal immensely.  I hope that it can help those of you who may be going through a loss down the road, right now or in the past to heal just a little.  

The book covers everything from, knowing when, through the loss and grief and coming out the other side.  A special addition is at the end of the book with a few stories by others who have lost their dogs along with my own and after death experiences.

The book is available by clicking on the above image or it is also available on Amazon in print or ebook form just by typing in the title. 

I hope that you enjoy it.  It has been written from the heart, most definitely.