Shooting Hoops

The above photo was my shoot set up on Friday morning with Elsa. After a quick lesson on hoop jumping I wanted to capture Elsa going through.  I stood in my yard thinking how I could have the hoop held, get her to go through and take the image at the same time.  Then I remembered my shade stand.  This black stand is typically for set up or posed type photography, something that I rarely do as I much prefer, life, candid or action photography.  So the stand sits in the closest most of the time.  Out it came.  

As I had just taught Elsa about the joys of going through her hoop, I wasn't sure if she would do it on her own.  I wanted to be out front and have her come through toward me for the shot.  As I suspected, she balked when asked first.  She went around and under the hoop; after all it was attached to come creepy metal stand that she hadn't seen before.  This is why the little table is set up beside the hoop, to coax her through instead of going around.  

She stood there, not sure if she could do it on her own.  So I went back and pretended to hold the hula hoop, she went through.  Then I quickly got distance.  Elsa is a very fast learner so I only had to do this a couple more tries wh…

She stood there, not sure if she could do it on her own.  So I went back and pretended to hold the hula hoop, she went through.  Then I quickly got distance.  Elsa is a very fast learner so I only had to do this a couple more tries while getting further away and she was on her own.  

The lighting was perfect, sun and shade making it perfect when the sun caught her expression.  

During the shoot I was tossing Elsa treats to keep her interested.  One treat went flying into the grass and I told her to "find it."  "Find it" is a term I use for when something goes out of sight; a ball, frisbee or anything else.  But, I have also trained Elsa to "find phone" because I misplace my phone so often.  She spotted my phone sitting on a chair, ran over and knocked it to the ground.  I had to smile.  She's a thinker and thought maybe the "find it" meant we I needed my phone.  Smart, smart girl.  

Elsa had one "changed my mind" moment as she went to go through and then thought otherwise.  I'm glad I captured it because it shows the whole process.   (below)

I love her face at the end.  She looks like she is sort of laughing and sort of embarrassed.  The hula hoop was hanging on a string so hitting it would not hurt her at all.  

After our hula hoop session, I indulged Elsa in some ball retrieving and catching.  Although she is loving the hoop; a photo session with the hoop is slow moving, something she's not a fan of.  Elsa likes to work fast so setting up a shot, moving away, getting her through and capturing it is not Elsa's thing.  Her favorite fast catch and retrieve was her "thank you" from Mom.  :) What she does love is just jumping through the hoop fast, over and over again with no camera set up.

Love this Sporty Spice Girl.  :)