Working out - get healthy with your dog

Out for a power walk with sniffing :)

Out for a power walk with sniffing :)

We are already into February of the New Year. I truly cannot believe how fast time seems to go the older you get. With all the New Years resolutions around I’ve been thinking about health in regards to us and our dogs. I know that a lot people walk their dogs but never think about exercise for themselves and visa versa. I know people who do marathon type running who never take their dog. This always has me perplexed; how can you focus so much on exercise for yourself but never your dog?

There are people who take their dog to the dog park everyday; sometimes several times a day so that they get enough exercise but never think about it for themselves. I’ve been hearing a lot of statements like “my dog eats better than I do;” “I wish I could go for a run everyday, would be nice” lately. Because I’m around a lot of dog folks I hear these types of comments all the time.

I’m a big time lifter who loves exercise. I have been lifting weights since the age of 16; taking a break now and again. I am also a huge believer that a great daily workout for our dogs is essential for their mind and their body. This morning I was quite under the weather and was happy that it was a rest day for me (a day for my body to recuperate.") Riggs and Elsa were feeling great so I thought about exercising them when I was feeling so poorly. They had two really intense runs with their Dad over the weekend; so they could use a rest day as well but I felt guilty not taking them anywhere so opted for a sniff walk. A sniff walk is when you take the time and stop and everything your dog wants to check out. Sniff walks are VERY important for dogs; if you can get an exercise walk in with a sniff walk great. But getting exercise walks and sniff walks in separately works great as well.

I love when I can get in a gym visit and intense walks for my two. Running off leash is essential for dogs to muscle up. That means either in your yard or somewhere they can safely stretch their legs. Luckily I have a great strip where Elsa can get retrieving in; which is some of the best exercise around. If you are a good thrower and have fast retrievers; you can be get a power workout in, in a short time frame. If we are not going off leash, we move. We do not dilly dally along, we book it. Of course there are times when time permits that we have a power speed walk and a sniff walk. If I’ve been to the gym that day; it makes for a very happy Sherri, Elsa and Riggs.

I was a muscle preacher as my old boy Luke aged. He was never heavy muscled so we worked hard to get him buffed up enough to do the things he wanted to do. As he aged he lost muscle fast. Watching him age only fueled my passion for lifting and making sure that my dogs and I were strong. I use a gym for my own lifting exercise. I am not a gym rat; I’m an in and out kind of gal but when I’m there I hit the weights heavy. Although as I get older I am much more careful about how and what I lift. I’d love a home gym which would cut down on drive time and waiting for equipment but alas…

Dogs deserve to be fit and healthy just as we do. But like with us, it takes work. Dogs can’t take themselves out for exercise so it’s up to us. That job is made easier if we exercise as well. Strong, fit and healthy is good for all. Lets make 2020 a healthy one.