Wrapping up 2022

2022 has to be one of the biggest blur years for me and many others, from what I hear. Honestly, where does the time go? It seems that we were just brining in 2022 and now it’s 2023’s turn. As we move forward, I always look back and consider the last year as I head into the New Year.


This past year brought a lot of new dogs, issues and educating both dogs and their people. I LOVE meeting new people and their dogs; trying to help smooth their relationship and life together. With every new client comes new issues, individual temperaments of dogs, different homes and families. No two clients are ever the same. I deal with easy peasy great puppies, tough puppies, smooth transition rescues to serious obstacle issues. There are purebred and mixes from tiny to giant dogs to work with.

Many of my clients this year were repeats. Some I had the pleasure of working with years ago with a dog who has now passed. Then I get to meet the new k9 family member and work through all the new puppy issues that we all forget too soon. Others added another dog to the family and I had the chance to work with them and help to meld the new pup into the family.

Anyone who has worked with me knows that my behavior work is extremely personalized. Each dog and family are different with their own spin on life with their dogs. This is how blending dogs and humans should always be dealt with. We are all so different as are our dogs.

I most definitely had fun with all the puppies I got to work with this year. I find it hard to turn down any puppy work. Getting to help people with a new addition; making sure it heads down the right path is really rewarding.

There were also several really challenging cases this year that required much consideration. Often rescue dogs exhibit behaviors that we do not know what the cause was. Whatever happened to them in their past life was where it happened and all we can do is deal with what is in front of us. This is one reason that being in the moment is so very important. Helping our dogs means being there to help them through.

All of my clients have 24/7 access to ask me anything. Questions are one thing that I am a huge advocate of. There are no dumb questions! If you don’t know, ask…please. Along with questions, there is often a need for help down the road. Follow ups, refreshers or just basic help to get back on track. Continually working on your k9 education and training is essential for long term success.

I did a short three month mentor session this summer with a couple of up and coming people who are interested in k9 training and behavior. I feel strongly about sharing knowledge and experience with others. After 47 years experience with dogs in the show ring, grooming and training I have a lot to share. I may offer this again this coming year.

My grooming courses are on SALE right now until January 2nd. And my training courses are available and will be on sale throughout the coming year. All of my books are still available on Amazon.

As far as what is in the works for Just Dogs with Sherri this next year…

I am hoping to get several k9 digital courses done and available (stay tuned). I will continue to blog and podcast as much as possible. And I am turning mostly to Instagram (find me at (@justdogswithsherri) to share what I can to you all as far as k9 behavior, training, grooming, nutrition and the day to day with our dogs.

My personalized one on one training will be slowing down; I will be working with existing clients and taking on very few new clients this year. I will be focusing on writing and digital courses available to everyone. As well as communication, with regards to dogs and people. I find communication to be a fading means of conveying or understanding information. We need more communication between humans and humans and dogs.

On the personal side of my life, we are expecting #6 grandbaby in the New Year which is very exciting. I hope to spend a great deal more time with my family, making memories.

Elsa will turn 12 in July, Riggs will be 5 (how can he be?) this coming October. We are currently looking for a little sister to add to our k9 family. Of course I will let you all know if it happens. :)

Exercise is important for us and our dogs. We will be taking lots of walks, training, doing enrichment activities and keeping in shape. It is so important to workout, both for us and our dogs. Elsa is showing her age and the effects from her stroke but we keep her moving and staying strong. Exercise focus for myself is lifting, I am a huge advocate of weight lifting to stay strong and healthy.

2022 was a good one compared to the ones that came before. I am wishing you all the very best in the New Year. Stay safe and enjoy the last day and night of 2022. And for the New Year, make it a great one. Ask lots of questions, work on your health and happiness in the k9 life we share.

See you all Next Year. Sherri!