Out of the norm, one of those days

We all have them, you know, those days when you wish you would have stayed in bed? Yesterday was one of those days for me. After a very busy weekend I was looking forward to starting my day slow; enjoying my zen walk and then get on with the rest of the day. Well…

The day started pretty normal; dogs went out for a pee and Elsa charged back up to bed for her morning snack. Riggs was missing, which was not normal. I heard my husband saying something downstairs as he got our coffee but I couldn’t hear clearly. He then came upstairs and filled me in. Riggs had thrown up in the kitchen, then went out and had a poop; then he went out and had another poop. Not normal anymore.

He then ran upstairs but did not want his morning snack. Again, this is very out of the ordinary. We watched Riggs, asked him what was wrong (he didn’t answer lol). Dogs have off days as well as we do as far as their stomach goes. Elsa had had a few bad days about 2 weeks ago. I pondered if it was maybe a bug passed from Elsa to Riggs.

My husband jumped into the shower and I ran to get something from the garage. When I returned, he asked where Riggs was. I looked under the bed, which is where he spends a good amount of time if we are in the bedroom. It always amazes me when he goes under the bed because he only has 6” clearance to get under. Once he’s under it opens up a bit but not a lot. He has always liked being under there…go figure.

He was not under the bed, uh oh. We ran downstairs and there on our white living room carpet were several piles of diarrhea. We ran into the kitchen to find him standing at the door, beside a pile of slimy foam puke. We had an evac situation and it was not pretty.

My mind was racing, trying to come up with some explanation for this. I have only had to deal with this type of situation when Elsa got stung by a bee and went into anaphylactic shock and Tilley when she had a tick on her causing tick toxicity. I cleaned Riggs up, and most of the bulk of other mess. Then I went over Riggs trying to feel for a tick, nothing.

Perhaps it had been a bee? It is common when the night and mornings are cold that they are stuck in the grass just waiting to be stepped on. It isn’t until the sun hits them that they can fly again. Maybe a bee sting? I watched him closely for about an hour and he seemed okay. Not himself but not getting worse. So we head out for a walk to try to shake off the start of the day.

Riggs was not himself yesterday. It could have been a combination of not feeling well and trauma from shi*&ing on the floor. He is very emotional and it would have upset him a lot. I got to work steam cleaning, scrubbing and more steam cleaning.

Our little man as off for about half of the day and then started to be his old crazy self. By late afternoon into the evening he was fine. No more diarrhea, no more vomit, nothing. We just got back from our walk and he seems perfectly normal. Not sure what happened but it was most definitely one of those days.

Love to hear about your “one of those days.”