
Runaway Dogs

"Is she a bolter?" the sitter that I was interviewing asked.  I probably turned my head much like Elsa does at the question, what?  "Will she take off out an open door?" she asked, rephrasing her question.  "Oh no, no" I replied.  "But you'd want to be careful anyway," I said.  The whole idea of dogs that run away is so strange to me.  I've never had one that would, just take off.  Jessie was probably the closest thing to a runaway but it was just her terrier trigger that got the best of her sometimes.  

My dogs have always seemed to have a magnetic pull to our home.  Let out of the car and the door is where they head.  I remember a very long time ago someone left a gate open at the side of the house.  Luke was a youngster at the time so he went out and around to the front door.  My neighbor saw him standing at the front door and rang the bell for him.  I opened it up and there he was, wagging to come in.  What a guy.

There are things that will draw a dog away, a distraction, something interesting to go see; but taking off and running away is entirely different.  Why do dogs run away?  There are many reasons that a dog will runaway.  Being scared is a big one; they are often not even in a normal state of mind when this happens, they are just running.  A lack of exercise.  It feels good to run free and let out all your ya ya's.  A positive reinforcement can fuel your dog to run.  If they get out, have a great run around, maybe meet someone else or find some food along the way, have the desire to run.  

A lack of bonding can also cause a runaway.  Is everything out there better than you?  Does your dog think that the grass is greener elsewhere?  Maybe it is, you need to look at your relationship if you have a runaway.  You should be the most important thing in your dog's life.  This takes time, commitment, trust building and fun.  Even if you have a couple or more dogs; you should still be the most important thing to all of them individually.  

How do you become the most important thing in your dog's life?  Bonding.  Time spent together, training, feeding, grooming and trust building.  All of these things make you important.  In the beginning it is food, treat rewards that are worth hanging around you for.  Then with time comes the connection that grows.  You need to be present in your dog's life to become that special someone.  The one that your dog turns to for everything.  

Runaway dogs are no fun.  If you have one you need to figure out why they are running and fix it. 

Downtime for your dog

A garden day from the past; when Elsa found a caterpillar.  

The fog is lifting, very literally.  I'm sitting here in bed with a coffee and Elsa by my side.  She is dreaming; it's her favorite time of the day.  This and night are the only times that she sleeps soundly.  She cat naps throughout the day but if I make the slightest motion to move, she's up.  Watching her under her blanket dreaming away, it is clear that she is content.  Mid dream she stretches her neck out and curls her toes, then back to sleep.

Our dogs need down time; some more than others like ourselves.  What is downtime?  It is a time with no agenda; a time to relax, sit and ponder.  We need it and our dogs need it.  Today will be a garden day which I'd say is downtime for both Elsa and I.  Sure she'll be retrieving the entire time that I am working in the yard but there are no exterior distractions.  No traffic, other dogs, leashes or anything else; just Elsa, the yard and me.  I love garden day.  

Luke loved garden day.  If he saw me pull out the garden gloves he'd come running with his head held to the side, huffing.  He would just follow me around the yard waiting for the tender grass to be pulled and offered to him.  He taught this to Elsa and she waits patiently for them as I weed the garden.  But more of her time is spent retrieving; dropping her ball into my weed bucket and waiting for the toss.  

It is very important to take and give downtime.  A time when the outside world stays outside.  A time to regenerate, bond quietly and reconnect.  We often forget about these quiet times in lieu of "gotta get'r done." Depending on you and your dog/dogs will factor in how much downtime you need.  You also need to consider your lifestyle.  If you have a hectic go, go, go life then you probably need more downtime.  

Downtime means unplugging as well.  Take the time to be in the moment.  Far too much of our life these days is all about everyone out there in cyberspace.  Being in the moment is good for you; it can give you the time to have a look at your life as well as your dog.  Be there with your dog; watch the little things, experience.  If you are always "plugged in" then you are most definitely missing out on a many little things. 

Downtime does not have to be on the weekend but it does have to be when you have time.  Don't force downtime, take it.  Take it and give it, be in the moment.  It's good for you and your dog.  Now the garden and ball awaits.  Have a great weekend.