
A dog by my side

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Elsa and I are just back from our morning walk. Between 6:00 and 6:30am we head out to enjoy the cool air and quiet time. It is our peaceful time before the day begins. Life can be hectic and with the holidays around the corner, hectic can be an understatement. Our walk often unfolds like this; sniffing around, ball tossing, then more sniffing, more ball and then we make our way to the car to head home.

This is Elsa’s time, I’m out there for her. But…being out there for her is also for me. I get ready, bundle up and head out in the cold (cold for California, I know what you’re all thinking) for her but the fallout bonus is most definitely for me. Making Elsa happy makes me happy; I consider it to be a serious part of my job as a good canine guardian.

As she goes from bush to bush, inhaling information from the dogs who have passed before us; she is completely immersed in being a dog. Her brain is very canine; mine is a typical human one, so this is my time to think; to let my mind wander and ponder. There is much to contemplate, days gone by, today and what’s around the corner. Elsa’s walk is my think time.

Between our mulling time are the connected team moments. Chuck it, I’m a very experienced and reliable tosser for her; if I do say so myself. In actuality I throw like a girl (about as bad as it gets) but put a chuck-it in my hand and stand back. The chuck-it allows Elsa to get in some serious power training and energy burn. I compare it to when I hit the gym. I love working out and so does Elsa.

Life is all about moments; those little moments that make you happy. My chilly mornings with Elsa are some of my most happy times. When I look back at the dogs who have now left my life; I often smile at the little moments we shared. It could have been at a park, a walk in the woods or just sitting watching the waves crash on the shore. These are some of the moments that can impact us the most. The moments with a dog by our side. Is there anything better?

Have a great one, I’m off to the gym.