
Basic canine manners

I put out chips, (my weakness) dip and a nice pinot noir.  Walking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen; it is there for the taking.  Elsa knows that she is not allowed to help herself.  She is so good about not touching the food and is rewarded for not scarfing it all back while I am out of sight.  Of course this takes a great deal of training; but well worth it.  

Responsibility fir basic canine manners fall solely on the humans in charge.  

Manners - ways of behaving with reference to polite standards.  

The level of manners from one household to another can vary vastly from one to the next.  I know people who live by the "no rules" way of life; both in their own interactions and their dog's.  There are those who have strict marine like rules to everything in between.  So what are manners and how the heck do you teach them to your dog?

Speaking for myself, manners are simple rules in life that distinguish one from knowing how to behave when around others.  Manners are manners; both for humans and our dogs.  Does your dog understand what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior?  Like I said, everyone has a different idea of what manners means so from one dog to another they can be tremendously distinct.

Some rules can be difficult to implement when you have visitors or you are out and about in the world.  Let's take Elsa as an example.  She is highly social and LOVES people.  This causes her to work harder on manners when people come over.  She has a difficult time trying to contain her enthusiasm; so when needed, I bring out the big guns.  Treats.  If I have a food item that is high enough value to tromp out the human value, she can be very mannerly.  Of course it depends on the human we are speaking about.  Plus, being overly social is not a huge and scary problem, just a physical one.  :)

Elsa knows very well that she is not suppose to leap up on people and rarely does.  Her excitement tends to stay on the ground; spinning and whirling around with excitement.  There are of course, those humans who don't abide by the "no jumping" rules; coaxing and rewarding her up on them, much to my disapproval.  When this does happen I will step in and correct the human and remind Elsa what the rules are.  Leaping up on people is not okay, at least not in my books.  

Humans who encourage dogs to behave badly, are not being the good leaders.  You may think that rules are mean and cruel.  You don't want to seem like the bad guy when a dog leaps on you.  So you encourage the bad behavior much to their owners displeasure.  Just because there is a dog or multiple dogs in the house; does not mean that chaos must ensue.  Chaos is chaos, adding dogs does not equate this unless you allow it to.  

Making sure our dogs are mannerly takes work.  That work should begin right from the start.  Implementing rules and regulations is easy; that is if you teach your dog what is and is not acceptable.  There must be consistency; which can be difficult when everyone is not on board.  

Having a mannerly dog is a joy to have around.  Your dog, your rules.  


This was an image I took years ago of my little JRTs paw.  It was a special request for a grooming magazine.   Some would consider this to be a very spoiled dog.  Our dogs care nothing for things like this; that we label as important "for us."   No I don't paint my dog's toe nails or have them wear jewelry. 

Spoiled, one of those terms that people use incorrectly all the time.  I hate when people say "wow, your dog is spoiled," when I am just treating them as they should be treated.  I buy a new bed for my dogs and people think that I am spoiling them?  Really?  To spoil a dog is to let them get away with things that will create undesirable behaviors.  I hate the term "spoiled" almost as much as I hate "people food."

Spoiled:  to impair, damage, or harm the character or nature of (someone) by unwise treatment, excessive indulgence. 

When you look at the dictionary meaning of the word, it doesn't look so wonderful does it?  Over indulgence of material goods does not spoil a dog; a child maybe but dogs could careless how many toys, collars or beds they have.  It does not go to their head and create a monster like it can with people.  Making sure that our dogs are comfortable is how we should treat them.  Buying a bed to match the couch is strictly for us; our dogs don't care about the color of the bed. 

For me, the term spoil means to over indulge a behavior.  Allowing a dog to get away with inappropriate or unwanted behaviors is spoiling.  Take a good dog and turn it bad or spoil it by lack of or incorrect response.  Feedback, we all need it.  If you never offer feedback to your dog, how will they learn?  No dogs don't come to us knowing the rules of our human world; we need to teach them and guide them along the way.  Very basic "do this, don't do that" rules can go a long way.  But eliminate any guidance and you spoil.  Allow or fuel an undesirable behavior and you are spoiling. 

I don't know how many dogs I've met over the years who have displayed obnoxious behaviors.  They have learned that they can get away with murder.  As a trainer I will ask "is this okay with you?" When a dog is counter surfing, bullying another dog, barking orders to their owner etc etc.  The owner usually looks at me like they don't understand the question.  That is until I break it down and explain what is going on.  But there are those owners who think that they are doing right by doing nothing at all.  They don't want to break their dog's spirit by telling them what to do. 

Many people think that they are showing their dog how much they love them by allowing really annoying behaviors to continue.  To them the idea of telling their dog what to do is a bad thing.  But with a lack of teaching, guiding and leading our canines, we are failing them.  Spoiling our dogs is a bad thing. 

Buying our dogs new toys is giving them things to play with so that they don't play with our shoes, not spoiling.  Buying them their own bed is not spoiling, it is giving them comfort to lay on.  Feeding them really nutritionally food is caring for our dogs, not spoiling.  Bringing our dogs on a trip with us is not spoiling.  Baking homemade cookies for them is not spoiling. 

Allowing them to push us around, bark orders at us that we follow and drag us down the street, that is spoiling.  When they receive no feedback for inappropriate behaviors, discipline us if we cross the line, tell us where we can and cannot sit or laydown, give us the finger when we ask them to come, growl at us and tell us what to do and when to do it...THAT IS SPOILING. 

Have you noticed that friends don't come over anymore?  Since you got your dog things have changed?  Maybe, just maybe there is a spoiling issue and it's not the new collar.  Would you allow your child to walk up to another child and push them down without consequence or feedback?  Would you allow your child to jump all over a guest without feedback?  Would you allow your child to take a whole loaf of bread off of the counter and eat it with no feedback?  Why then would you allow your dog?