life with dogs

Take your life back

Picture perfect - you can do it.  

Picture perfect - you can do it.  

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard "he doesn't want to," or "they won't stop."  Are you feeling like you've lost control of your life?  

Control - check or restraint.

Have you lost control?

Have you? 

Does your dog rule your life?  Are you feeling like your life is no longer your own?  Do you want to take your life back?  Read on.

We often let our dogs get away with behaviors that we later regret.  Our dogs will do what we allow them to do.  Taking charge does not have anything to do with being mean, cruel or bossy.  It has everything to do with guidance and creating a harmonious canine/human relationship.  Our dogs need us to step up to the plate.

Are you ready?

This all starts in your head.  You can do this, yes you can.  Is your dog charging out open doors?  Jumping all over you?  Counter surfing at will?  Whatever you don't want your dog to do, it is time to stop the behavior.  This all starts with you believing that you can be the one making and enforcing rules.

First, decide what you will allow in your home and life.  Next, think about how to control or stop the unwanted behaviors.  If you are at a loss and can't do it yourself, then get in touch with a positive reinforcement trainer to get you started.   A good trainer will give you the information needed to take your life back.  They should make you feel like you can do it; giving you the guidance to train your dog.

Life can be made better with a dog by your side, but sometimes it's worse.  If we allow the relationship to go amuck with no rules or boundaries set, it can go very bad.  A little guidance, modification and confidence can make a huge difference.  

If you need help, get it.  Life with dogs is amazing, and you can do this.   

Life is a story

Life is a story, what's yours?

What's your story?  Everyone has one, we all live our very own story.  I love to hear life stories from other people.  It is funny how small life details you discover about a friend or acquaintance can be very enlightening.  "Wow, really?  I didn't know that."  Life is all about experience, learning and evolving.  Our story is about our evolution as a person or dog. 

My own story has made me who I am today; the dog guardian that I would not be if it were not for my story.  What we often take for granted is what it is all about, the day to day.  A very small part of my day to day is written in two books, so far.  A third is in production.

PBJ and me

And Back Again

I wrote these two books thinking that other canine guardians might take something from them in their own lives.  We dog lovers are kindred spirits spanning across the world; brought together by a passion, our dogs.  Whether you are a new canine guardian or a long time one; we come together with a common thread. 

I love talking dogs with people.  Hearing past experiences and parts of their story that stand out for them.  Different dogs, different stages of life, memories.  Just as we evolve, so do our dogs.  Many different life experiences lend a hand in their evolution.  From a new blank slate puppy to a fully mature adult; much goes into the making of a great dog.  Much goes into the evolution of a great dog and a great dog is in the heart of the attached human.  That canine/human connection is what a great dog is all about; that one canine and one human who come together to forge a forever bond.  The very essence of what being a dog lover is all about. 

Every so often I will sit and let the memories come to me.  Often a memory will pop up when you least expect it.  But then there are times when you sit and submerge yourself in them; savoring all the tiny moments that have a part in the here and now. 

Take a moment and look back at your dog story.  From the time before you met your first life altering dog until now.  How far have you come? 

Leave a comment, I love to hear from you.