pet sitter

Pet Sitter?

I've been looking for another pet sitter.  I have a pet sitter now who I love but the problem with having a great sitter is that he/she is not always available.  I have to say that it is a discouraging task; call after call, interview after interview results in just more work.  how many “REALLY?” moments can I have while searching for a pet sitter?

The most troubling thing to me is what pet sitters consider to be sitting.  “We’ll arrive around 7-8pm, stay overnight and leave by 7am” one girl told me over the phone.  “REALLY?”  I said and then she went on to say that they could come back for a 30-minute visit midday if I required. 

I have a protocol for interviewing sitters.  Get a recommendation from another canine guardian, make a call, doing a phone interview; and if they get through the interview call then I interview in person.  Most never make it past the phone call and only three have ever made it past the in person interview.  We’ve been very lucky to have had what I’d consider to be the best of the best.  But how could I possibly think about going away and not leaving my dog/s with the best? I couldn’t.

I have a lot of questions when I interview and most sitters have probably never been questioned like this before.  I’m a need to know kind of person and I most definitely need to know the facts if I am ever to even consider someone for the position of taking care of Elsa. 

·       What does your day entail?

·       What time do you arrive and leave?

·       Where do you live?

·       Do you have dogs?

·       Do you work alone?

·       How many dogs do you walk during the day?

Although I have a great number of questions, other than specific questions I ry to not talk too much, I listen.  (But you know me and dog talk.) Much can be heard by reading between the lines of answers.  It is the little things that are said or not said that can give you the most information. 

If they make it through the phone interview and we meet in person, then body language is what I watch mostly.  People can tell you anything but their body language does not lie.  I can get a read on people very, very quickly.  My current sitter took about three minutes before I knew that I would love her. 

Watching the “sitter” with your dog is very important.  I had one woman come to interview and when Luke licked her hand she gave me a creepy sort of smile and said “that’s okay, I have to shower anyway.” Don’t let the door hit you too hard on the way out lady.  Dog sitter?  REALLY?

So my search continues.  Great sitters are out there.  They are not easy to find but if you have the patience to sift through all the mediocre you can find the gems.  I have and have had the best, I am not about to lower the bar. 

There are people who just want someone or some robot to let their dog out to pee.  I’m not one of those.  Having been a dog trainer for so many years, I have heard many, many pet sitter horror stories. I think that too many sitters start out doing one thing and very quickly become overbooked (greedy) and callous (taking on too much) to what they are doing.

A Pet Sitter is someone who is a replacement for us when we have to be away.  Some people may be okay with hiring a robotic sheep herder, I am not.  As a canine guardian, I do my best for Elsa.  I am not about to put her into the hands of someone who does not understand the importance or definition of real care.    

Do I have high expectations?  Do I expect a lot?  Is my Pet Sitter bar extremely high?  Freaking right it is. 




Pet sitters who get it.

Not just anyone gets to care for my babies.  

Looking for a Pet Sitter?  It is not an easy task, that is unless you are willing to settle.  Settling for mediocre is not something that I am willing to do with the care of Elsa when I need to be away.  

I am a Grandma again, yep.  Two Grandsons a week apart so needless to say I needed someone to watch over Elsa for several days and I have that.  I feel extremely lucky to have found a wonderful woman whom Elsa adores.  

When I knew that my daughters would be having babies close together; I worried about a sitter.  You can't book a time slot for a baby arrival; they come when they want to come and you hope that you can get someone.  Of course the better the sitter the more booked up they are so I hoped and crossed my fingers and anything else I could do that she'd be available, and she was.  

Having my sitter available for the births of my first and second Grandson was HUGE.  It allowed me to focus on the task at hand and leave the care and love of Elsa with my sitter.  Being able to take that worry out of the equation is priceless.  When my sitter arrives and Elsa comes unglued, I know that she is in good hands.  

When you are away, the last thing you need to be doing is worrying.  I don't know about you all, but I worry a great deal if I'm not happy with where my dogs are or who they are with.  If I'm worrying, I'm not focusing on what I should be focusing on; whether that is babies, a conference, business or just plain fun.  

I try to tell and show my sitter just how much we appreciate her.  It means the world to me to have someone that I trust to leave Elsa with.  If I did not have her I could not relax when I am away.  Stepping out of my daily roll as caregiver and allowing her to step in is a big statement in itself.  I'm sure you can all imagine.  

I have interviewed handfuls of sitters who have not made it past the interview process.  I have had to say "thank you but no," to many.  It does not take me long to decide through the interview process if I trust the person to put Elsa first.  I am always looking for new sitters.  Like I said when someone is good they are busy and not always available.  So having a couple of great sitters to call on is essential.

There are sitters and then there are sitters out there.  Finding the ones who mesh with you and your dog/dogs is not easy.  I am looking for the ones that are the elite caregivers; basically myself in a sitter.  Not an easy task but doable if you do your research and go through the process.  

If you have an amazing sitter, let them know just how much you appreciate them.  It truly is wonderful to have someone who cares as much as you do.    

A Retirement Party

I have been cooking and baking for a couple of days.  Yesterday was my Pet Sitters (Joan) retirement party at our house.  We had a celebration for an amazing woman; one who has taken care of my dogs for years.  She turned 80 this year at my house with Luke and Elsa to celebrate with.  When we left for our trip I left a bag full of chocolate for her to enjoy while I was gone for her Birthday.  She is one in a million.  Never in all the years that she has cared for my dogs, did I ever have a worry or concern when I am away.  I have been spoiled now for sure; having that type of care for your dogs is an amazing thing.  When you find someone that cares so much about your dogs, you want them to be available forever. 

Luke resting his head on Joan's lap.

                                            One hand opening gifts, the other on Luke.  Priceless. 

I'm sure that Luke and especially Elsa thought the party was for them.  Elsa was beyond excited; a house full of new throwers!!!!! She brought her ball to everyone and anyone who would throw.  Once it was put away she got another and then another until she'd run out of balls and started on her stuffed toys.  Luke made the rounds, he is so very social and loves having friends over.  

Joan has always described herself as "over the top," but over the top is what I want in a sitter.  I want someone to care for my dogs like their own, and more.  I do not want someone just popping in and checking that they are alive; I want compassion, love and real care given to my dogs.  Joan gave us this and more.  Joan sat for Jessie, Tilley and Luke and when that changed she welcomed Elsa to the family and cared for Luke and Elsa.  Most recently after Luke's bad fall; Joan cared for him while I had to be away.  I would have not gone if it were not for Joan.  She was there around the clock to care for my old man; it was all about Luke all weekend. 

So last night we celebrated a wonderful pet sitter, my pet sitter and the others who attended the party.  Joan LOVES chocolate so I made the party a chocolate theme.  We had pasta with chocolate, cocoa roasted brussell sprouts, chocolate dinner rolls, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate coconut cake.  We talked about all of our dogs and the years that Joan has cared for them.  She shared stories from over the years and her love and care for all of our dogs. 

When someone cares for your family like this; they are family themselves.  To the best pet sitter EVER; Joan, may you enjoy every moment of your retirement.  Of course petting and talking to as many dogs as you can.  We love you.