I'm leaving

I'm leaving; just for a bit, I am taking a much needed break from blogging for a week.  I've been blogging steady now for almost 5 years so it's time to take a break, step back, regroup and start back fresh September 30th.  I've been pondering this for a week; don't know if I can just go cold turkey, weird.  I love blogging; I really enjoy sharing dogs with all of you but with everything, sometimes you just need a break.

What I would love while I'm gone is that if anyone has a topic that they would like to see covered, please let me know.  Feel free to leave comments here on my blog and  I can always be reached at sherri@justdogswithsherri.com anytime.  I love hearing from you all, and really enjoy when you comment on a blog.

As you know we have a new addition here so I won't be relaxing much.  :)  I have a great deal going on and I am looking at many different opportunities for Just dogs with Sherri and dogs in general.  Have a great week, and I will be back on September 30th.