The dog food drive

Sorry for the delay on the Dog Food Drive but with a move right around the corner things are a little bit crazy right now to say the least.  We leave tomorrow, but more about that later.  The dog food drive was wonderful; we were able to get food to a family who was very much in need of a helping hand and lots to a the wonderful group at  I.C.A.R.E. dog rescue. 

It was a very windy day and chilly night but the donations came in and I would like to thank everyone who came out to give.  A special thanks to the folks at Wilds Animal Supply on La Paz who let us crash their lot and a extra heart felt thank you to the members of the OC Standard Poodle group for everything they gave.  I would like to make December third, National feed the dogs day.  Who's with me?  If we band together we can help a lot of dogs.

National feed the dogs day can be a coming together of people to help feed mans best friend.  A big event, a small group effort or a single can of food purchased and given to someone in need.

These are some of the folks who donated to Feed the dogs first dog food drive.

Kathie Taylor and Jedi
Loretta and Libor
Lynn, Sheima and Shasta
Judy Kargel
Teri Azar & Rozy Carter
Audrey Messick
C. Loreno
Jessica Frawley

Thank you all so very much for helping to Feed the dogs.