He's home, finally.

This was taken the day that Elsa arrived to our house.  Not wanting to move Elsa as she had fallen asleep Brad chose to just stay there and catch a few himself with her.  

I've been telling Elsa that Brad is coming home for weeks.  Every time I say his name she stops in her tracks, has a look around and then goes back to whatever she was doing.  Brad is my son, the one that took the first epic trip across the country with me.  He has a very special relationship with the dogs, they have all adored him.  But Elsa has a very special spot that is reserved especially for Brad as did Tilley.  He is home for a short visit sadly but she is soaking up every second that she can with him, making up for lost time.

I tried to capture the smiles.  Brad was the first one to receive smiles from Elsa, the whole front teeth flash.  She was moving to quick to catch it this time.

Her tail was going so fast you can barely see it.  (yes she still has on her undies.)