
Results, what does it mean?

                                                                     My man. 

For those of you following Luke's recent issues and tests; we got good news last night.  The mass on his liver is benign.  It is large, 4 cm x 6 cm but not cancerous.  This has ruled out the liver as the cause of his recent episodes.  The last episode was Tuesday night when I took him to the emergency and he has been left with lingering effects from it.  It is most definitely a cause for concern; having seizure like symptoms for over 8 hours is very hard on him. 

Luke is epileptic and it can change as a dog ages; I hope that it does not continue to get worse.  I will be researching options as far as treatments for this.  For now he is catching up on some much needed rest. 

The Gang, Wordless (sort of) Wednesday.

Letting Elsa do all of the work, a common occurrence. 

What a face.

Just hanging on.

Nothing is more fun than playing with your BFF.


A good shot for size comparison.


Reckless abandon.

Watching the craziness.

Like I said, crazy.  


Love of retrieving.

This was so cute, Luke came out to find me and this is the moment that he spotted me sitting on the ground.  Shooting the girls.  

                                                     So happy to have found me.  :)

Sun kissed.

The fun continues today; I can hear the girls at it downstairs.  

Just Luke

"Just Luke" I said and her ears dropped.  Yay, she completely understands now.  I was going through my normal morning routine which Elsa has known for eons.  She figures out routine way too fast for her own good.  But this morning was one of the "different" mornings.  I really wanted to take Luke out on his own.  He is slowing down and taking his time; making it more difficult to walk both Elsa and Luke together.  It is good for both of them and me as well.  I get to enjoy everything about each one as an individual; not that I don't enjoy them as a pair.  They are after all a pretty adorable pair.  Any hoo, it was one of those "just Luke," days.

Every second of the day Elsa watches me like a hawk; morning time is walk time, especially in the summer.  She watches my every move; constantly anticipating the sock move.  She knows whats coming and doesn't leave my side.  When I reach the top of the stairs, her eyes are glued on mine.  As I take the first step down the steps she is already at the bottom spinning.  So I tell her then; before she gets too excited "just Luke."  Every molecule of her being sinks.  Her ears go down and she gets her "did I hear you correctly?" face on.  I tell her again so that she is perfectly clear, "just Luke."  The degree of her understanding is amazing.  Her whole reaction is complete realization.

Luke also understands and his ears perk up.  I've been using the "just" term for years and years.  It always precedes someone's name.  I use to use it much more often when there were three and then four dogs in the house.  Now that there are only two I don't use it quite as often.  But even using it very infrequently; Elsa has got it like everything else she gets.  She clearly knew what I said this morning and when I went to the garage door she was not chomping at the bit.  She knew she wasn't going and stood to the side; allowing Luke to go out the door without any hindrance.

Not only does she understand what "just Luke," means; she is much better with the whole idea of "just Luke."  She use to come quite unglued being left at home.  Of course she'd rather not be left but she is fine with it which is so very important.  We had a few life issues in her first year with us that sort of put the, being left at home alone on the back burner.  With the loss of Jessie and then Tilley just three weeks later Luke suffered from some separation issues in Connecticut and then again when we returned to California.  When we arrived back home in Southern California and to our old house; I am sure that Luke thought they'd be here.  When they were nowhere in sight he had a few issues to deal with once again.  Sad but part of life and we got through it.

So not only is Elsa good with being left alone; Luke can also be left alone now.  It is so very important.  If you have multiple dogs and are not doing alone time, you need to start.

And Penny Makes 3

I am so happy that I captured this moment; these girls love their man.  

Does it get any cuter than this?  Luke learning to tolerate Penny.

Here you can see Elsa intervening.  She does not like when Penny bothers Luke so steps in to fix the problem constantly.  

Submissive girl.  

Being disciplined for bothering Luke.  You can see Elsa's upper and lower jaw completely engulfing Penny's neck.  Penny knows that this is coming when she bothers Luke.  

Girls just wanna have fun. 

Luke looking to Mom for some reassurance after interacting with Penny.

Another disciplining.

Elsa trying to get Penny to chase her with the ball.

Just beautiful. 

Young sunbather.

More fun with Luke as their pillow.

Hmmmmmm...a caterpillar which Penny ate moments after.  Disgusting. 

Another caterpillar in the bucket.