
Grooming your poodle

Today is grooming day.  With the temperatures rising, Elsa needs a shave.  She is a Standard Poodle and needs to loose some fluff to accommodate the upcoming weather change.  Elsa is a very active girl so keeping too much coat on her makes her uncomfortable.  Poodles and poodle mixes come with a grooming warning.   "Extensive grooming" most pages state.  With the regular grooming requirements can come big cost.  But it doesn't have to cost a fortune.  I have been grooming for almost forty years and love to share my experience with others.

"I can't do that" is almost always the response I hear when I tell others that I groom myself.  I am here to tell you that "YES YOU CAN."  Yep, if you want to groom your poodle, you can do it.  Should everyone groom their own dog?  Nope.  But those who want to, should.  If you have no desire to DIY then you shouldn't.

From the big fluffy and extensive groom of a show poodle to the easy peasy shave down and everything in-between.  I've done it all and can switch it up, touch it up whenever I like.  That is a huge benefit to doing it yourself; touching up whenever you like.  

There are many other reasons why grooming yourself is great.  

  • Bonding time.
  • Trust building.
  • Physical check up can be done regularly when grooming.
  • Your dog does not become stressed by having to go to the groomers.
  • Save literally thousands of $$$$$$$$$$

There is an initial expense of equipment; although you can do a great deal of grooming with very little equipment (which is thoroughly explained on both courses)  I groomed many poodles over the years with the bare minimum.  

Will your dog look amazing when you first dive into grooming?  Maybe, but chances are not.  It, like anything else you begin is a learning curve.  I have just started learning how to golf.  Am I great?  Nope.  

Grooming your own dog can be intimidating.  For this reason alone, I have created an in-between course.   Grooming in-between pro grooming visits can give you the confidence that you need to do full grooms.  

If you want to save a ton of money, want to groom your own dog, learn the ins and outs of maintenance, equipment and grooming techniques.  Take a look at my online courses listed above.  Oh.... and "YES YOU CAN," groom your own poodle.  In fact I know you can.  ;)



At Home Poodle Grooming Tools Webinar

I'm stoked this morning.  Today is the first of many Webinars that I will be doing on dogs.  

At Home Grooming Tools Webinar - I will be covering what you need as far as equipment to groom your poodle at home.  From the very basic equipment to doing full grooming yourself.  I've been grooming at home for 35 years.  Much of my grooming was done with the very bare minimum of equipment.  I will show you what you need to do in between grooms or just the touch up stuff.  When and if you are ready to do full grooms is up to you; but I will show you what you'll need.  

Like anything, at home grooming typically starts with just one toe dipping into the waters.  Once you get into it the sky is the limit as far as all the bells as whistles you get.  I'll show you the necessity equipment.  

There will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar.  And Miss Elsa will be making one or more live appearances.  :) 

Please join Elsa and I at 5:00 pm PST today May 5th, May 12, May 19 or May 26 for this free At Home Poodle Grooming Equipment Webinar. 

Register for the webinar by clicking here.   

Hope to see you all there.  

Its a juggling act

Digging into the office toy basket.

A much deserved quiet moment for the man. 

Walking through the house, I survey the path of destruction. Yep, Penny is at our house for a visit and when that happens there is a constant tornado to pick up after and avoid.  It is not just Penny, on her own she is much like a speeding bowling ball but with Elsa in pursuit, you have your full fledged tornado. 

Yesterday afternoon as I sat on my computer writing, I heard it; I am always listening.  In a few moments it was over and I went to check on the girls. Rugs were crumpled, dog beds lay in the middle of the room, couch cushions everywhere and two girls sitting quietly panting, watching me. 

For much of the day they simply coexist; napping here and there, each taking there turn wandering and watching out the office window.  But when it's on, it's on.  This is where the juggling and utmost of care needs to be taken, for Luke.  Luke had a bad fall last week and since then he is even more frail than before.  He can tumble on all his own so I have to make sure the tornado does not hit him. 

Chill'n as a pack.

My day begins peaceful and quiet.  As I sit here now in bed blogging; Elsa is snuggled up close and Luke is in his bed sound asleep.  Penny in her crate in my office; she cannot sleep in the same room with Luke.  First I need coffee, I get up and grab my coffee and breakfast; heading back upstairs to blog.  Next I will get Elsa and Penny up and out for their morning pee.  After that it is Luke's turn; I help him to his feet, give those old back legs a massage and assist him down the stairs.  I am on constant guard should the girls want to give him a morning greeting.  Out for his pee I remain on guard.  Then it is back upstairs for a morning snack. 

If I am heading to the gym in the morning; Luke and Elsa will stay in my bedroom while Penny is gated in the kitchen.  When I return, Luke and Elsa are let out first, then Penny.  We all enjoy the outdoors until breakfast.  Penny eats separately as I cannot get Luke to eat with her distraction.  We then move onto the rest of the day.  There are naps to be had, meandering, bone chewing and walks; while I constantly juggle.   

In the afternoon while I work on the computer; Luke sleeps in my office.  He is safest there and if the girls join us then I am on watch duty.  It is nice when everyone naps at the same time; this is my most productive time of the day.  When they are awake and in play mode I must be on high alert.  Penny is very good with Luke now; she manages to control her adoration for him and keeps it in check.  A simple "leave him" usually does the trick. 

As the afternoon turns into evening the activity level rises.  We all sit outside and enjoy the setting sun.  There is a little play, but mostly we just enjoy each other.  Dinner preparation is again a juggle; but we have a great routine in place.  After and more chill'n in the yard we head down for Luke's favorite part of the day, tv time.  Then it is game on.  I try to watch tv but who needs tv when you have Penny and Elsa around?  It is like watching WWF and NFL wrapped in one display of craziness.  Ahhhhh, love it. 

Wordless Wednesday

The calm before the storm.  Elsa has no idea that Penny will arrive momentarily.

Luke is not happy about the turn of events. 

If she can just NOT do the Bulldozer routine.

Well hello.

It's all about the acquisition of the toy.

Tugging is great fun.

Placing on your opponents head is good too.

Wow, big girl teeth.

"What Grandma?"  "I'm not bothering Luke.""

Hahahahahaha, Penny's Mom trying to work out with Miss Inquisitive.  

The Gang, Wordless (sort of) Wednesday.

Letting Elsa do all of the work, a common occurrence. 

What a face.

Just hanging on.

Nothing is more fun than playing with your BFF.


A good shot for size comparison.


Reckless abandon.

Watching the craziness.

Like I said, crazy.  


Love of retrieving.

This was so cute, Luke came out to find me and this is the moment that he spotted me sitting on the ground.  Shooting the girls.  

                                                     So happy to have found me.  :)

Sun kissed.

The fun continues today; I can hear the girls at it downstairs.  

A different kind of workout

My gardens went from yelling to frantically screaming at me.  Here in SoCal, we get a little blooming in the winter but the weeds continue to grow.  Between my workouts, Luke and Elsa's workouts and work my gardens had been neglected.  So, Friday was the day.  We stayed home and all had a gardening workout.  Two birds with one stone as they say.

I got out a new toy for Elsa.  I have been using it strictly for temperament testing but after a couple of times it goes to my guys.  So Elsa was thrilled, a tennis ball dumbbell.  I gave it to her in my office where she left it as we headed out to garden.  When she came out empty mouthed I told "go get your toy," and she did.  She got a couple of tosses before I got into my gardening and she was hooked.

I spent most of my time in my garden that is situated on the other side of the yard.  This made for perfect tossing and running for Elsa.  The only rule for garden retrieving is that the ball be returned where I can pick it up.  Elsa is great at this but sometimes will try putting it somewhere else.  To maintain excellence in retrieving it is essential to only pick up and toss the item when it is where it is suppose to be.   

Luke is happy to stand and watch me for hours.  If I get to far from the fence he gets a bit anxious so we have to have a snuggle and he's good again.  Gardening with Luke and Elsa is something I really, really enjoy.  Even though Elsa loves retrieving more than pretty much anything in her life she loves to follow me around while I garden as well.  She will even dropped her ball to follow me to a new garden.  So the two stand watch over me while I garden; nothing much better than that in my books. 

Gardening is a big stress reliever for me; throw in two amazing dogs and add some exercise.  A perfect way to start off the day.  We gardened for about 3.5 hours; had breakfast and then it was off to office for a poodle nap and some writing.  Have a great weekend. 

Busy maintenance day

I spent my whole Sunday with Luke and Elsa.  :)
 Luke is all clean and fluffed from his bath.  Elsa knows he'll be ready to play.
Sunday, and I decided to spend it with Luke and Elsa.  My weeks are so busy that it is hard to fit it all in.  I really wanted to give both Luke and Elsa a bath, trim them up a bit; do nails and pluck ears so I took Sunday to get it all done. 
Of course I also got the camera out; it's been a while and I love shooting my guys.  Enjoy, I did.

Teasing him with the ball.

The brawling begins.

But short lived because it's Elsa's time for a bath.

Always on guard.

Luke enjoying the sun but sliding off the lounge.

It wasn't until both legs were off that he noticed he was falling off. 

Goatee trimmed up.

Dry and ready for some retrieving and catching.

Intense much?

She can catch 24/7

It is more than just a game to her.

Elsa's Border Collie face. 

If she misses, its my fault.  She never misses a good throw.

See ya tomorrow!!

And Penny Makes 3

I am so happy that I captured this moment; these girls love their man.  

Does it get any cuter than this?  Luke learning to tolerate Penny.

Here you can see Elsa intervening.  She does not like when Penny bothers Luke so steps in to fix the problem constantly.  

Submissive girl.  

Being disciplined for bothering Luke.  You can see Elsa's upper and lower jaw completely engulfing Penny's neck.  Penny knows that this is coming when she bothers Luke.  

Girls just wanna have fun. 

Luke looking to Mom for some reassurance after interacting with Penny.

Another disciplining.

Elsa trying to get Penny to chase her with the ball.

Just beautiful. 

Young sunbather.

More fun with Luke as their pillow.

Hmmmmmm...a caterpillar which Penny ate moments after.  Disgusting. 

Another caterpillar in the bucket.