

Train, trained, training.  Do you, is yours, going to, are you?  Train?

Train:  to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior by discipline and instruction.  To make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work.
So do you?  Do you train your dog?  Training is a funny thing, or perhaps I should say funny word.  Many people think of it as a very official practice; while others think that it is mean and bossy to do.  There are many meanings of the word 'train.'  But when talking about dogs and training; for me it means to offer an education.  Sure our dogs can be trained for a very specific purpose.  Agility, flyball, scent work, search and rescue, guide dog etc etc etc.  But, what about the average 'Joe dog?'  You know the one that is sitting at your feet, beside you on the couch or on your bed?  What about them? 
I for one love training.  I love dog behavior so when I can connect a human and canine together in a cohesive manner, it makes me  very happy.  I am continually fascinated how just a little goes a long way.  That is with regards to humans and dogs.  Teaching a human is often be much more difficult than a dog.  Dogs learn through association, humans learn when and if they want to.  Many humans shut down when you discuss the art of training; they don't want to hear it.  Not dogs, dogs love to learn and the only thing you need to do to teach them is to find out what makes them tick, what motivates them. 
Every dog is different so training should never be thought of as a science.  There are certain basics to teaching a dog and when you've been doing it for a long time, you hopefully will know them.  That is of course if you are paying attention and open to the learning curve.  If you are a know it all type, then I am sorry to say that your learning curve will be very short and dead ended quite quickly. 
Training does not mean that your dog must act as a robot; it does not mean that you are being mean to them by telling them what to do.  Everyday basic training is a way to offer our dogs an easy way to live in our human world.  Without human guidance, our dogs know how to be dogs.  Not all dog behaviors are desirable in our world; that is where we step in and guide.  Training encompasses a whole spectrum of activities; from the tiniest of lessons to full on life saving maneuvers. 
Never underestimate the power of training; even the smallest act of guidance can have a huge ripple effect.  Training should never be considered a single act as it is an ongoing process.  Some dogs learn quickly while others need much longer to absorb a lesson.  All dogs are intelligent, it is sad to see a canine mind wasted; never given the chance to thrive in life.  When I ask someone if their dog is trained; they often do not understand the question.  I then say "the basics," do they sit, down, stay on command?  These are the things that dogs should know as a very bottom line basic maneuver training.  Can you move your dog without touching them?  Does your dog understand directions in movement?  It can be very frustrating to a dog to be hauled around by the collar because their owner never took the time to teach them a few movements. 
Training is not a bad word; perhaps we should just call it what it is, educating.   

It's much more than obedience training

Having a harmonious relationship with your dog is about more than just obedience training.  I've seen many amazingly trained dogs who act like crazy dogs at home when they aren't in "training" mode.  The problem with training is that owners often think that there is a training time and a non training time; when in fact training time starts from the moment you add a new dog to your home until everything runs smooth.  This can be anywhere from a year, year and a half or more.  Even then you still need to be there for day to day guidance.  Rules and regulations to live by need to be instilled in your dog.  Not only those obedience commands; sit, stay, come and down.  Our dogs need to learn how to behave everyday; what is and is not acceptable behavior.

Do we dive all over visitors when they come to see us?   Well, that all depends who the visitor is (just kidding).   If our dogs have not been taught that this is not okay, they probably will.  Dogs will counter surf, sniff crotches and basically act like cave dogs if you don't teach them not to.  That means on a moment to moment basis.  You must always be in "training/educating" mode.  Seems like an arduous task? Maybe, but it is more than worth the effort in the long run.  I have seen five year old dogs who know nothing, driving their owners crazy, daily.  Had anyone ever taught the dog anything?  I'm thinking no.

I've met people standing in the park while their dog runs everywhere but back to them when called.  The owner shrugs and says "she never comes."  The dog is off doing everything but what the owner is asking.  By letting things slide the owner is teaching the dog that they can basically do whatever they want.  Just because running off leash is wonderful does not mean that all dogs should be partaking in the activity.  A owner who allows a dog to run free when they have no control over that dog is making many big mistakes.  First, it is dangerous for the dog itself.  Second, other people don't want to deal with a dog off leash.  Third, the owner is teaching the dog that they don't have to listen at all; they can do whatever they like without consequence.

I don't enjoy rude people and I certainly don't enjoy rude dogs.  Rude dogs are rude because their owner allows them to be.  I hate hearing "he doesn't come when called," as we watch a dog running all around the park and skirting the owner.  Much like when an owner complains about a dog counter surfing as they stand and watch it happen, while doing nothing.  The dog may do a mean "leave it" exercise while in training but forget about the real life situation.  The owner has dropped the ball in that department; but then complains that their dog ate their dinner off of the coffee table.

Guidance is a constant thing when you have a dog; especially when you have a new dog that has no sense of life in a human world.   They don't know that $2,000 beautiful piece of driftwood in the living room isn't just a stick like any other.  Dogs don't understand that they shouldn't dig in the house plants when they are allowed to dig in them outside.  Or that they are not allowed to dive and run all over the couch when visitors come over.  That is not unless someone has educated them on all of these life rules. 

Dogs are crazy smart; that is a fact.  If you don't educate them on living in your human world; they will live by their rules; because you have given them nothing else to go by.  This is when things go very wrong.  The human fails to teach the dog but blames the dog for being a dog.  Hmmmmmm......   Dogs need information, they need it on a day to day basis.  Just imagine, they come to us with a clan slate; most only know how to be a dog, the rest is up to us.    You need to teach them, they do not come uploaded with this information.