Do you really want a dog?

Ahhh…this is the big question that we are going to figure out. Lots of people think that they want a dog but once they get a dog, they very quickly change their mind. Dogs are a lot of work. True, dogs are a lot of work, but you get out what you put in. Although, maybe you don’t want all the work of a dog; how do you really know if you are ready or not to add a dog to your family. This short questionnaire will walk you through the ins and outs of living with a dog. By the end of the set of questions you will know whether or not you are ready to bring a dog into your life.

A dog is a big commitment. They can live up to 15 years or more if they remain healthy throughout their life. That’s a long time if you aren’t happy with your initial decision to add a dog to your family.

I know how hard it is when you see an adorable puppy. Frankly it doesn’t matter what breed, mix, size or color a puppy is; they are all as cute as the next one. Many decisions are made just because of the awwww factor. You know that “omg adorable” moment when you first set eyes on a little cutie. All bets are off when presented with an adorable bundle of fur.

This investigation of sorts has many questions for you to ask yourself; try to answer as honestly as possible.

Video dialogues and stories will help you to truly understand what it is like to live with a dog.