
 Ask yourself

  • Who’s going to pick up after the dog?

  • Who is going to get up in the middle of the night when the dog has to go out?

  • What about when the dog vomits on the carpet? Oh yes, they do.

  • How about when your new puppy has diarrhea on your beautiful new living room rug?

  • Are you ready to dart up from dinner and get your dog outside before they vomit on the floor?

  • How about when they roll in something really gross in your yard or park; are you going to give them a bath?

  • What about general maintenance like brushing, nail trimming, teeth cleaning and butt wiping? Who’s going to do all this?

  • Will you pay for a professional groomer if you get a dog that needs grooming?

Dogs are an adult’s responsibility. Your children can most definitely help out and do a good amount of the work but it is on us, the adults to get it done. I know a lot of adults who got their kids a dog under the presumption that the kids would be caring for the dog. This is a great idea but not always the case. So we need to understand that care of the dog is on the adults. So all the cleaning up of gross stuff is on us.